Friday, January 8, 2010

Gotta keep moving on...

Hey guys!!! Well, as we all know... Brad1072 is resigning from his blogging position and moving on to bigger and better things... In real life, we have other things to worry about and we cannot take care of something we can hardly remember... So with this, im also saying goodbye, because without Brad i would've never made it this far!!!... I also wanna give EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS TO THE BEST FRIEND THAT ANYONE WILL EVER HAVE!!!! Brad1072 :)

P.S. thanks for accepting me as your best friend :) ive enjoyed all the good times we've had... to be honest i dont think i could survive without you xD

Yours Truly, For The Last Time, Gilma (Music*Maker)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Glima's Banner!

Hey Guys I'm Part OF This Website now! WOOHOO! So This is my first post on this site!!!!
Gilma HEre Is Your Banner I Made For You!